Metro Cafe: new bride Elizabeth; Young Writer studies with a special ring to them; muscles; people seen while sipping coffee

The last time I saw Elizabeth before I went traveling, she was a young, single, barista working at Metro Cafe. Now she is a newly wed barista, married to Paul. As I understand it, he is a military man and she will soon join him in Germany, so she won't be a barista at Metro for long.
I will miss her.
Study of the Young Writer, #698.5: Shoshana glows brightly as she carries coffee to Metro customers. Why does she grow so brightly?
Wait... what is that I see...?
Young Writer Study, #695.8: It's a ring! A wedding engagement ring! Congratulations, Shoshana. Congratulations, Justin the Lucky.
I am teaching myself how to make iPad apps in book form. I have committed myself to do an iPad book with Shoshana by her wedding, loosely scheduled for sometime in June/July 2014. It will be composed of a bunch of Young Writer studies, coupled with Young Writer writings.
Shoshana and I will both be rich and famous after that. Justin won't have to work anymore.
This is William, well known to Carmen and famous among Metro regulars. I was too busy drinking my Americano and eating my bagel to closely follow the conversation, but somehow it turned to the muscles of the young man.
So Carmen gave his muscles a squeeze.
Pretty impressive muscles.
Once, during a neighborhood weight-lifting competition, William pressed 2,982 pounds, three ounces.
Or so it is now rumored.
I only drank half my coffee in Metro, then took off to go the long way home in my car as All Things Considered, interrupted by many pleas for money, played on KSKA. I need money, too, but I guess I had better give some to KSKA. When I am home, I have KSKA tuned in for at least a little bit just about every day.
That's what these kids are doing - they are looking for lost money they can find and donate to KSKA.
This is actually from the weekend. I had just returned home from the North Slope and Elizabeth had just served me the Americano in the top frame. It had not snowed yet. I drove down to Mahoneyville, sipping coffee, and found Cowboy Tim and grandson Wesley out for a bike ride.
Cowboy Tim and grandson Wesley - in the background is Grotto Iona, the place where people go to pray.

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