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I doubt there will be any bells, but if there are, they will ring in Hawaii

We gathered together at Rex and Cortney's log cabin today, ostensibly so that they could show us the fine work they did in putting in a new floor and fixing up the house a bit. They had an ulterior motive, however.

As it happened, yesterday or the day before Lisa and Bryce completed something they had been planning and talking about for awhile, but it was not certain they could pull it off - they bought tickets to Hawaii, leaving January 24 and returning February 3.

They knew nothing about Rex and Cortney's ulterior motive.

Rex was in no hurry to get around to the ulterior motive. He let us all drink coffee. Then he served us cake, ice cream and more coffee as a late birthday tribute picked up Lynxton, giving no clue as to his ulterior motive.

Lynxton reached out to Melanie for a high five.

A bit later, Rex observed Lynxton as he crossed the floor.

Lynxton came to me. 

Then, with no fanfare or buildup, Rex suddenly sprung it. I did not even get a chance to position myself for the photo. Regular readers know Rex and Cortney are engaged. They were tentatively planning on a June wedding. In late January, Cortney's employer is forcing her to go to a workshop or conference in Hawaii. Rex has been planning to go, too, and even invited his mom and I to go at their expense.

Now, Rex informed us, on the spur of the moment he and Cortney have decided to get married in Hawaii, February 1. They do not plan to make a big deal out of it or send out formal invitations, but all family and friends are informally invited, should it prove convenient, which it probably won't for all but a few.

We have a number of friends in Hawaii. It might not even prove convenient for them, what with people being spread about on various islands, but if any you read this and you can make it, it will be fun to see you there. Details will appear on this blog as they become clear and the date nears.

As Rex expounded a bit more, Cortney pulled the ear of the dog, Kingston. The fellow on the right, by the way, is Rex's best friend since way back when they were kids, Edmund Gilmour. We call him, "Eddie."

Still, I thought it important to introduce him as Edmund. If I had just said, "Eddie," readers would most all have assumed he was an Edward. He is not. He is an Edmund.

Most people assume I am a William, but I am not.

I am a Bill.

Kalib and Jobe figured if Cortney could pull Kingston's ear, they could pull his tail.

Reader Comments (6)

Um, which island? :)

December 2, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkalaluka

Congratulations to all. That sounds pretty darn exciting. And what a great time to go to Hawaii, especially when traveling from Alaska!

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercuppajava

congratulations to both the newlyweds and the newlyweds' parents!

my dad was an Edmund; his best friend from birth (and my godfather) was an Edward, as was my maternal grandfather. They all went by "Ed"

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkathy in KY

Mazel Tov to all! ...and to think that this family memory all began because Cortney's employer if forcing her to go to a workshop/conference in Hawaii.

As a total aside, whenever I see a photo of Rex I think of him as a Bill mini-me. But, maybe that is just me. ;)

December 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMirage

kalaluka - the wedding will be on the big island, probably Kona or nearby, Feb 1. We fly into Honolulu on January 24 and out on Feb 4. I suspect we will find our way to Kona probably by the 26 and then back to Honolulu a day or two before we depart.

cuppajava - I've wanted to go to Hawaii all my life. Now we are. This surgery I had and the complications that followed and still hang on in the form of a gigantic hernia in my belly are going to put a bit of a damper on it, but I still expect a grand trip.

Kathy - It's very possible that Eddie refers to himself as "Ed" too. We knew him as a little kid, so I suppose he will always be Eddie to us.

Mirage - It's not just you. Lot's of people say that. He got a piece of my dad's tall genes (though not as tall as dad) and I got my mom's short genes (though not as short as Mom).

December 3, 2012 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

Congratulations...you finally will get a chance to do some surfing in the winter. Margie will be warm. Rex and Cortney will be married. Sounds like everyone's dreams are coming true. I am glad for all of you.

December 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdebby

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