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I goof up and so make an unintended post: The dove; Mahatma Ghandi in his own words; the pigeon



This is not what I intended to post tonight at all. Nor did I intend to include it anywhere in my year end wrap-up, which I am making from pictures I had not previously posted. I had something else planned. I worked on it on and off throughout the day, then realized I was short a little information. 

So I just scrolled down through Lightroom to a folder filled with images shot a couple of days later than those I had been working on, opened it up and found this dove. It is getting late and I do not want to spend half the night making a replacement post. So here is the dove - photographed on May 14 in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.








Mahatma Ghandhi lived for a time in Ahmedabad at a place called Sabarmati Ashram, where I wound up with Murthy and Vasanthi not long after I photographed the dove. It is now a museum, with many Mahatma Ghandi photographs, quotes, artifacts and this life-sized clay statue. When I saw it, I felt almost like I was looking at the real man, the one who led the non-violent movement to defeat India's British Colonial rulers and succeeded where armed men had failed, but was assassinated by a fellow countryman.



We came upon this pigeon not far away near the upper level of Adalaj Stepwell, dug five stories deep into the ground in 1499 by the Muslim king Mohammed Begda for Queen Rani Roopba so she would have all the water she needed. She wasn't his wife but Veer Singh's, a chief of some sort.

I really don't know what to do now. All year long, whenever I have shot something I wanted to post but couldn't find the time, I imagined I would put it up now, in my year-end review. But there are only two days left! I had a good number of things I wanted to post! This wasn't even one of them! I can't even begin to work them all in. I started too late.

What do I do? What do I do?

Reader Comments (6)

I'm glad you posted this, even if it was unintended. I love the pigeon photos and Gandhi's words are good end-of-year thoughts for us all.

December 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLinda in Virginia

Nice. Thank you.

December 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

Just do the posts when you can. Who cares if they're all done before January 1, 2013? The photographs are great and I look forward to seeing more of them - written from the other frozen end of the country in Maine ....

December 30, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWendy

"I really don't know what to do now. … I had a good number of things I wanted to post! …. I started too late...... What do I do? What do I do?"

Bill, I love your work. You ALWAYS have so much to do and so little time to do it. Please continue to post whatever you can, whenever you can, however you can. It's all good, and it's all new and fresh to me.

Maybe if your health had been good in 2012 for all those months you suffered so badly with your surgeries and debilitating pain, then perhaps you would be "on schedule" here at the end of the year for your plans, posts, and photos.

I'm just glad you are still alive after that medical nightmare and that you've regained much of your strength. I can understand some of your frustration recovering from a medical nightmare that could have killed you. It seems to me now that ANYTHING you can post and comment on from your incredible life experiences is 'a plus' at the end of a hellish year for you.

Your beloved Margie, your children, your grandchildren and so many more who love you can celebrate the end of 2012 knowing you are still here for them. And although I'm a stranger, I am someone else who looks for your good works to continue into the future, instead of mourning your loss in 2012.

As 2012 draws to a close, please just simply do what you can, and, if at all possible, let the rest go, and know that just being here to continue into 2013 is a huge gift to your family and friends. Maybe don't worry about it being the end of a year, but simply a continuation of your life's story from 2012 into the new year, in your own unique words and photos. And, that having more time to soldier on is really a good thing!

December 30, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercuppajava

What do you do???
You keep going with what seems right a the moment, and this post is Right!
Gandhiji was a man with all of the flaws human existence entails... but he also was a heroic figure, and one rightly revered.

December 30, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfromthediagonal

Thank you, everybody. I think you are right. For whatever reason, it was the right post to make last night. If I hadn't have wound up doing it then, I never, ever, would have done it.

I figure on the first I must move the blog into the new year, so I will never complete the review, but that doesn't mean I can't drop some of the still unseen images and stories into future posts.

December 30, 2012 | Registered CommenterLogbook - Wasilla - Beyond

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