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« After spending a wild weekend camped out in the cold and rain, our boy returns: the hill, blossom at the top | Main | As Margie drives me to my doctor appointment, the image of the grizzly appears at the window - I now expect to get better and better; I become a case study »

I take three stabs back toward normality: Abby's Home Cooking, man on mower, Metro Cafe

I flat out missed the picture right after Margie and I stepped into Abby's Home Cooking and took a seat at the one table with the chairs designed in such a way as to make them the most comfortable place in the restaurant for someone in my condition to sit. I had hoped this table would be open but it is a popular table and from outside I could see the restaurant was packed for breakfast and so it seemed unlikely - but it was the only table open. Right after we sat down, Abby came over, gave me a huge hug and then did the same to Margie.

That was the picture, but I was not prepared and could not get my phone out of my pocket in time to take it.

So I took this one instead. Margie ordered a western omelette and I ham, two eggs over easy, hash browns and two small pancakes. My plate was heaping, but, in keeping with my doctors orders to gain a bit of weight back and to eat more protein I consumed it all. It was delicious and satisfying and I feel confident that I was at least an ounce or two or three more as a result.

I had not been to Abby's since July 8, the day I came in to tell her my surgery had gone well, I was doing good, expected to heal rapidly and to order a small plate of eggs and hash browns. It was later that same day that I coughed, blew out my suture and then had to go back to the hospital for emergency surgery the next morning.

After Abby's, I took a real walk, not in the halfway, the driveway or around the house but out on the roads, all the way down to Wards Street. I found this guy mowing the grass alongside the road outside the shop where he and his partners build aluminum boats and do other metal working. I don't know exactly, but I suspect that round trip I probably walked over a mile. Not much for the normal me, but.considering that earlier in the week it was all I could do to hobble up and down the length of the hallway a few times, it was a vast improvement.

In the afternoon, Margie drove us to Metro Cafe, where I had last visited Saturday, May 7, to tell Carmen and staff how well my surgery had gone. Sadly for me, Carmen had taken the day off, but I did see Jackie and Shoshana,the young writer. Different readers had put smoothies into my mind, so, instead of coffee, I ordered a wild berry smoothie.

It was superb. Having been laid up for so long, I just wanted to go and go. Mostly, I wanted to work, to sit at my computer and put things together. I did sit at my computer for a bit, but it still hurts me to sit there and I began to fear I might get carried away, overdo things and set myself back a bit, so I stopped. I returned to the recliner that has also become my bed as well and did a little work on my iPad, but it is not as efficient a platform for doing heavy work as is my desktop. I then grew tired and stopped.

I will see what I can do today. I do not plan to post tomorrow. I have another task I hope to complete this weekend - one I planned to do weeks ago but couldn't. I am not sure I can yet, but I want to devote any energy, strength and endurance I can spare to that task.

My eyelids have suddenly become heavy. When this happens, I have no choice but to let them close. So I will. It is just half-an hour past noon. I do not want to sleep, I want to work. Usually when my eyes force me to let them close, I fall asleep - for an hour, two, three... If so, I will yield to it.

Reader Comments (5)

glad you made it to abby's

August 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

I bet that food tasted great! And that the walk felt even better.

August 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterManxMamma

Good news, day by day -- Keep moving forward!

August 5, 2012 | Unregistered Commentercuppajava

Congratulations Bill! Abby's AND Metro AND a walk! Glad to have you back! Gold. Silver . AND Bronze!

August 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

Glad to hear you're finally on the mend.

August 5, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLynne

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