Happy birthday, Carmen; I interrupt my Kivgiq work to go bring Margie home; Kalib comes back with us; back to Kivgiq

I knew today was Carmen's 45th birthday, so instead of going through the drive through at the usual time, I went for lunch and ventured inside to wish her a happy one. I found her with two other hockey moms, Carol and Narda.
Carmen's son Branson made her the big happy birthday card topped with balloons and her nephew Evan made the "I love you" Auntie card.
As Carmen was showing me the cards, Scot walked in. Of Scot, Carmen told me this: "God created us to be with each other."
Carmen loves just about everybody she meets and just about everybody who meets her loves Carmen. But she REALLY LOVES Scot.
And don't anybody dare forget it.
Afterward, I went home to return to my third day of editing Kivgiq pictures. Remember, there were five days of Kivgiq. After three days of editing, I am close to halfway through my first pass of the first day only. By the time I finish Uiñiq, I suspect I will have made at least 30 passes through each day. There will be fewer iamges to sort through after each pass, but on the other hand as the number narrows down I will spend a lot more time contemplating each surviving picture.
I did not want to interrupt my editing at all, but it was time for Margie to come home from babysitting, so I drove to Anchorage to pick her up. As always, various drivers here and there had been pulled for one damn thing or another.
I always drive by cruise control to keep my speed under the ticket range, but that doesn't mean my turn won't happen again. The last time was about 28 years ago - if you don't count Arizona.
In Arizona, about all I have to do is drive down the road a ways and a cop will appear and pull me over for any damn reason or for no reason at all, except that he's got to pull someone over and I'm there so why not me?
On each day that Margie spent in Anchorage, Kalib talked about how he wanted to go to grandma and grandpa's house. So here is, entering the house. He is with us now.
I probably won't post again until Monday. I didn't even want to post tonight. I just wanted to work on Kivgiq. Well, it's only a few minutes after 10:00 PM. I can get in a few more Kivgiq hours before I go to bed.
Reader Comments (1)
Belated Happy Birthday Carmen!
PS: Like the way she smiles always...very cheerful person!