A black bunny who survived the archers; coffee time at Metro Cafe

Running Dog Publications
This afternoon, I pedaled my bicycle to Metro Cafe, ordered an Americano and sat at a table to drink it. A dog appeared on the TV screen and barked at me.
About 9:30 PM, I decided I needed a small Dairy Queen ice cream cone, dipped in chocolate. I asked Margie if she wanted to come and get one, too. "No," she said, "we can't afford it. But you go get one." It's true. We can't afford ice cream cones right now, but sometimes when you can't afford an ice cream cone, that's when you should go get one. Your creditors are going to have to wait, anyway. I thought we would be able afford ice cream cones right now, but sometimes businesss deals come together slower than they are supposed too. Hopefully, next week, we will be able to afford ice cream cones.
I did go to get an ice cream cone by myself, anyway, and on my way to the car I saw these two bunny rabbits in the driveway.
I found myself in line behind this lady at Dairy Queen. She didn't order an ice cream cone, but she did order soda pop. At least, it looks like soda pop. I didn't inspect the contents of the cup. I really don't know what is in it.
It is now late Friday night. I do not plan to put up a post Saturday night and maybe not Sunday night, either. I want to finish this other project I am working on, the project that involves the World War II B-24 bomber. I have been working on it steady for two weeks now and if it succeeds, it will have a $500 payoff, but that's beside the point. It is a story I must tell. This tiny story is only the beginning. I must make it into a book, and soon.
So, until the story is done, I do not want to think about this blog any further. I know I won't have the story done by Saturday night, but if I complete it and submit it early enough on Sunday, I will still blog that night.