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Entries in Camel (1)


As we entered Jaipur a camel crossed the road

OK. I'm way too tired to write much about this day, or to edit pictures at all and so I just chose this frame from the last series of five images that I shot today - this gentlemen and his camel, crossing the road. We have just entered Jaipur. He is not waving at me. He is signaling to our driver that he is crossing the road no matter what and so the driver should stop.

Meanwhile, the driver is seeking a way not to stop, but to just keep driving, to see if he can avoid a disastrous accident by an inch or two - something he has done at least 200 times on this drive, usually not with camels though, but big trucks. And our driver is 83. 

It took a long time to get here, thanks to traffic that backed up again and again. You see a sign and it says "Jaipur - 65 kilometers" or so and so you think you will be there in 45 minutes or so, because the highway is very good, but then two-and-half hours later you see another sign and it says, "Jaipur - 31 Kilometers" or so. Plus, we stopped at gigantic Chittorgarh Fort of the middle ages to roam about its magnificent walls and through its temples, royal quarters and ruins of various sorts.

But I've got to go to bed.

Can hardly keep my eyes open.

So this is it for today.