A blog by Bill Hess

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Entries in Jacob (37)


Jobe requested spaghetti; train wreck followed








Jobe had made a request to Grandma and Mom that spaghetti be the entree for his third

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We surf beside a Catholic Church; the grandsons arrive for the wedding; Wedding venue finally set for tomorrow, 4:00 PM

Friends, I am too exhausted to post tonight, but tomorrow is the wedding

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New Years day began dim, gray, dreary and gloomy; the trains came out, old pictures tumbled from a folder, the day turned light and warm

Before Mom died, she divided her picture album into sections and then gave it to her children. My section contained a few pictures

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Kalib at 5 years old - it's all about trains; the cake wound up on the floor

When we arrived to celebrate Kalib's fifth birthday, he was watching a movie - about a

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A few add-ons from Christmas Day: the eagar gifted; many hands in the feast; the gift from mom Helen Peetook of Wainwright 

Last night, before going to bed to collapse for ten hours, I

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