Touch those cat ears gently, Lynxton!

I returned from coffee ready to take a quick shower and then drive Margie and Lynx into town. The plan was to drop Lynx off at his house and then I would take Margie to see 12 Years a Slave and afterword drop her back off so she could babysit for the rest of the week. But that plan changed while I was gone. I now learned we are going to keep Lynx one more night. I sat down for a few minutes. Jimmy came over and sat on my lap. Then Lynx came to touch Jimmy's ears.
"Be gentle to the kitty," I said to Lynx. He can get exuberant. Jimmy's ears are not laid back in the way an angry, hissing cat will lay back its ears. He is holding them this way in anticipation of the coming touch, which he is not sure will be gentle or exuberant. Lynx was gentle with this touch and several more that followed.