Two moose cross the road on a chilly day; it warms up and snows; I get picked up

This was early in the week, on one of the days I did not blog. It was a fairly chilly day, temperature in the zero F range (-18 C). I came upon the cow and calf moose as I walked up Wards Street. I shot portraits of each one then left them behind and continued on. I had not gone far up the hill when I suddenly felt an urge to turn around, so I did.
The cow moose had decided to cross the road. The calf moose figured it had better do so, too.
The temperature stayed in the zero degree range and colder until last night, when it warmed up dramatically. It got so warm, it snowed a little bit. I went on a walk to see what I might see. In time, I saw Margie, driving our Ford Escape. She stopped and picked me up.
Pretty damned exciting day, huh?
Reader Comments (1)
That's as good as it gets!