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« I drop Margie off to babysit, then hit the road south: five images from the car, beginning with the train, ending with the patriot scripture quoter | Main | Jobe takes breakfast at Abby's, along with a cowboy: Three iPhone studies »

A visitor came by iPad from London; Jimmy bit by mosquito; Jimmy bites shrew; boys get dirty and show off



I did not take even a single photo of the highlight of yesterday's activities. I meant to, but when the time came, my hands were full and I got so engrossed in what was going on I did not manage to do it. My hands were filled with my iPad and I had Skype up for everybody here to see and talk to Sujitha in London. I have been using Skype to make straight phone calls for a while now, but because neither my laptop nor desktop have cameras, I did not use the video link feature until this past week.

Speaking of links, here is Lynx, in Margie's arms, as she brings him in from the backyard.

Sujitha has been in love with Jobe since she first met him as a new baby on this blog. I made sure that when the Skype connection went through, Jobe's face was the first she saw. Jobe actually knew what was going on and said "hi" to Suji and waved at her.

Then I made sure she got to see and talk to everybody else who was here - Kalib, Lavina, Margie, Jacob, Lynxton and Jimmy. Chicago was here, too, but was lying low. She did not see Chicago.

I took her here and there in the house and out into the backyard. Earlier in the week, I gave her a tour of my office, too.

Have you ever seen a little boy happily showing off for an adult guest at the house?

That's exactly what Kalib, and to a lesser extent, Jobe, did for their Aunt Suji. They knew she was watching them through the iPad. They were strutting, playing with sticks and rakes, batting spruce branches around, spilling water from a pot and they completely emptied one of Margie's flower pots of its potting soil.

I made them fill it back up, but then, when Suji and I weren't looking, they emptied it again - this time, they spread the soil about so there could be no refill.









Suji was very impressed by the number and huge size of mosquitoes that kept flying into view and being swatted at right in front of her. Here is Jimmy, sitting on a stump, getting bitten by a mosquito. When this image is blown up full-size, the mosquito appears red - chock full of Jimmy's blood.




















A bit later, Jimmy caught a shrew. 

Back in the house, Kalib and Jobe showered the gentle killer with love.



Please don't forget - it was Sujitha who gifted this Thomas the Train HO outfit to the family at Christmas. Now she got to see Kalib and Jobe enjoying it.

Their love and excitement of Thomas has not diminished a bit. They finally got to say, "Thank you, Aunt Suji!"

We had to put Thomas up a little early, though, after Jobe picked up one of the shoes sitting beside him, threw it, scored a direct hit and knocked the entire train off the track. 

Thomas still seems to work okay and could have kept running, but a lesson needed to be taught, so Thomas had to be put up for awhile. He will be back out, soon.

Lavina came wearing these shoes, shoes the likes of which I had never seen before, or even imagined. She says they are very comfortable.





Funny thing - today, I feel like Suji actually came and visited us at the house yesterday. It doesn't feel like she was here only on the screen of my iPad, but that she was really here, in the midst of us, her family in Alaska, wandering about, laughing with us. Yet, if she had come, I am certain I would have gotten a photo.

Now that Lavina has seen Skype work, she says that whenever one or more of the boys comes to stay with us, she will be Skyping.

Reader Comments (5)

Skype with video to visit with faraway friends and family is wonderful!
I've gotten to be part of decorating the Christmas tree with my grands, see first backyard-swing rides, all kinds of cool stuff!
Best wishes to you all there.
Was all I could do not to swipe away at my monitor to get that dang mosqito off Jimmy's face- good photo.

June 4, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlaska Pi

The shoes are comfy, but hard to get on and off especially after you've been wearing them for awhile.
Skype, my NEW thing!

June 4, 2012 | Unregistered Commentermom of grandsons

Yep... it just takes one time... then it is Skype, after that. I especially love Skyping by iPad, because you can walk around, wrap everybody in and give tours...

Skype , No skype - we are connected! But my sincere thanks to Skype - I could see the boys and the wonderful family! I could see my Uncle and the big fat monstrous mosquitoes sucking his blood... whoosh... dare you suck blood outta the Hess family...
Kalib is such a sweetheart...I love the way he pronounces Suji... so adorable...I finally could "see" Jobe - I can never forget the way he looked at me and said Hi....

June 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSuji

Suji Niece- your comment came in just as I am about to go to bed. Now I can go to bed with a smile on my face and a warm feeling in my heart. I think it just might help me sleep a little better.

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