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Shadow me shuns the road and takes his walk around the house

As I have noted, I am under doctor's orders to walk, which is something I like to do anyway. During my three stays in the hospital, I would get up and walk laps around the nurses station a few times a day. At home I have been taking little walks down Sarah's Way to Seldon and then down Seldon to one or two intersections and then I turn around and come back.

But after I returned from my doctor's visit on Monday in such excruciating pain, I could not do it. I could not walk on the road. It was all I could do to hobble down the hallway and back. I could not sit, lie down, or get up without help and even then it was very hard. I could not raise nor lower the toilet seat. I even had to be isolated from Jim, as I could not take even the lightest contact with him. It hurt just to talk.

Late in the day, I managed to step outside and walk the length of the driveway to Sarah's way and then turn around and come back. It was hard, but I knew I had to walk for the good of my digestive system and so I did it.

Yesterday, the pain was still great but I was a little better than Monday so I walked five laps around the house a couple of different times. Shadow Me followed.

Today, the pain has eased off a bit more and I believe it to be waning, but it is raining which limits what I can do outdoors. Still, I walk out there a little bit but Shadow Me does not come along. He hides out, ducking into the shadow of the overcast. A brand-new sort of pain is rising in my stomach, but I hope and think it may just be an after effect of the Milk of Magnesia that I took before I went to bed last night. It worked very well, and seemed to do so gently.As of today, my surgeon, Dr. O'Malley, is back from his vacation. I have an appointment to see him tomorrow afternoon. I hope something good comes of it.

Reader Comments (7)

May your appointment tomorrow bring you positive information... Wishing you well...

August 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterfromthediagonal

shadow you looks sad...hope the pain takes a hike soon.

August 1, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

Hang in there Bill! You've come a long way but the blue ribbon is within sights now. Sending best wishes for a fast recovery and the infection will be gone for good. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

August 1, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMrs Gunka

Yes, I am looking forward to the appointment - but dreading it, too.

I think less sad than hunched over a bit from abdominal pain... but that does make me a bit sad...

I am hanging in, for sure... thanks for the prayers...

Get well! If the doctor(s). suggests that you stay in hospital, (at their expense, hopefully), do so as it may be necessary to obliterate ALL post surgical infection! Best wishes!!!

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterB.Butler

No Jim??? Is Jim monitoring your walking schedule at least? I remember trying to do laps in the house when I had knee surgery. Hard to stay motivated. I hope you continue to improve, Bill, and the pain subsides. I'm impressed that in all your pain, you think think about putting the toilet seat down. LOL :-}
((((HUGS)))) and ^^^^prayers^^^^

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWakeUpAmerica

Do you remember the poem Mom used to recite: I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me and what can be the use of it is more than I can see...?
Your blog took me back to that and the memory that I thought a shadow was an animal you could have for a pet. I asked Mom to buy me one.

August 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLittle Sister

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