A blog by Bill Hess

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I need to blog something new, so maybe I will turn to something old

I fear this blog is becoming a pretty boring place. Day after day, I mostly post one iPhone picture along with a few words about my latest trial as I work my way through what has become a much more complicated recovery process than it was supposed to be. This has just got to get boring after a while. In fact, my readership numbers bear this out. Except for a significant upward spike for my "800 Sarah's Way" post, the numbers have been on a steady decline.

I have a remedy in my mind. It is something that I have actually wanted to do for a long time, but have never gotten around to doing. In November, I published my last Uiniq magazine.

There are many stories and photographs in it, in previous Uiniqs and in the many other publications I have done over the years that I have long wanted to rework for online publication. Perhaps if I could publish a couple of those stories here every now and then, instead of just lamenting about what I am going through, it might liven-up this blog a bit. At the moment, the task is too difficult for me. It will require that I sit at my desk for significant periods of time and sort through various hard drives, do some real picture editing, write new text to fit the blog format and so on.

Yesterday, I had to do a little task that could only be done sitting at my desk on my computer. So I sat down, turned it on and did that task, but after sitting at my computer for about 20 minutes, I was left in such pain inflicted by the sitting position that I had to come back into the house, take my place on my recliner, adjust it into the most comfortable position possible, and then just lay perfectly still still for an hour or two to let the pain subside.

I feel certain all this extra pain is being caused by Monday's tightening of the brace apparatus my surgeon implanted in my gut during my second surgery. My surgeon is back now and I see him this afternoon. I hope he might be able to do something to loosen it just a bit, and ease this pain. If so, then maybe by next week I will be able to sit at my desk for longer periods of time and do a little work. I hope so, because in so many ways, I need to get back to work.

Reader Comments (10)

I don't think your blog is boring, I thinks it's real. I do hope you feel better soon!

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

I agree, your blog is straight-up and as Van Morrison said, “You pull no punches.” Hope the appointment brings relief.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdeborah

Your posts are never boring Bill. Your body and mind is in recovery mode and that is why you are writing about how you are feeling. It's good for you to let it out. Take care -- I'm wishing you renewed health in the very near future.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterkathleenpoliticalgates

I'm still here Bill! Very concerned about your recovery, wishing you the best!! - Michelle

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMichelle

Not boring. No. Esp because many of us have gone through the same things: self or a loved one with excruciating med issues, big money problems, losing the house (one way or another). I wish you lots of good luck and success with all of it.

I wish you had THE piece of proof, info about Palin's Baby Hoax, and that you would sell it for a LOT of money. That would help with the bills, and it would help Obama get elected -- to reveal what kinds of campaign ethics the GOP has demonstrated.

But the main thing: health first.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmy1

We're all hanging in there with you and wishing you health and comfort...and some good luck soon.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterDeven Werthman

I like your blog just the way it is. I like looking through the plate glass window into the lives of you and your family.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterWakeUpAmerica

Bill- one of your special gifts is the willingness to to look directly, photographically and verbally, at what makes up your own life and the lives of everyday people in general.
To look at all which constitutes living an ordinary and everyday life squarely in the face . The boring, the scary, the sad, and the mundane along with the exciting, the special, the once in a lifetime.
Boring is ok in that context.
I haven't been bored lately though ( actually never have been when I visit your blog)- just bummed I live too far away to come help with chores you and Margie don't have time for during this time of you being down for awhile or some similar useful type help.
I love Joy Harjo's poem Perhaps the World Ends Here
It is a similar rich expression in poetic form of the complicated joy and sorrow of life as your photographic work. Do you see? :-)
I hope the doctor visit today helps sort out the whatever is making you so miserably uncomfortable and that you start really gaining on this getting-well dealie.

August 2, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAlaska Pi

have to agree with everybody..not boring by a long shot. I think in the summertime people also spend less time on the PC

August 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commentertwain12

I am new to your blog---but I love coming here. There is nothing boring about real life.

August 3, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterannette

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